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Электронный каталог: Pankin К. Е. - Life safety
Pankin К. Е. - Life safety
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Электронный ресурс
Автор: Pankin К. Е.
Life safety : manual for foreign students
Издательство: Саратовский ГАУ, 2019 г.
ISBN 978-5-00140-259-6
Автор: Pankin К. Е.
Life safety : manual for foreign students
Издательство: Саратовский ГАУ, 2019 г.
ISBN 978-5-00140-259-6
Электронный ресурс
Pankin, К. Е.
Life safety [Электронный ресурс] : manual for foreign students. – Саратов : Саратовский ГАУ, 2019. – 122 с. – Режим доступа : https://e.lanbook.com/book/137500, https://e.lanbook.com/img/cover/book/137500.jpg. – Книга из коллекции Саратовский ГАУ - Инженерно-технические науки. – На рус. яз. – ISBN 978-5-00140-259-6.
The manual on the discipline "Life Safety" is compiled in accordance with the work programs and educational standards of higher education, involving the study of the discipline "Life Safety". The manual is intended to form in students a set of knowledge about the negative effects of natural and man-made origin emergency, the ability to identify hazards, the ability to carry out preventive protective measures and methods of protection against the effects of damaging factors of emergency situations of natural and man-made origin. The manual is intended for foreign students studying at the Saratov State Agrarian University who speak Russian, fulltime and part-time forms of education, as well as for all those interested in the problems of protecting a person and his business activities from emergency situations.
основной = ЭБС Лань (СЭБ)
основной = ЭБС Лань
Pankin, К. Е.
Life safety [Электронный ресурс] : manual for foreign students. – Саратов : Саратовский ГАУ, 2019. – 122 с. – Режим доступа : https://e.lanbook.com/book/137500, https://e.lanbook.com/img/cover/book/137500.jpg. – Книга из коллекции Саратовский ГАУ - Инженерно-технические науки. – На рус. яз. – ISBN 978-5-00140-259-6.
The manual on the discipline "Life Safety" is compiled in accordance with the work programs and educational standards of higher education, involving the study of the discipline "Life Safety". The manual is intended to form in students a set of knowledge about the negative effects of natural and man-made origin emergency, the ability to identify hazards, the ability to carry out preventive protective measures and methods of protection against the effects of damaging factors of emergency situations of natural and man-made origin. The manual is intended for foreign students studying at the Saratov State Agrarian University who speak Russian, fulltime and part-time forms of education, as well as for all those interested in the problems of protecting a person and his business activities from emergency situations.
основной = ЭБС Лань (СЭБ)
основной = ЭБС Лань