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Электронный каталог: Internationalization of medical education. В. 1.: Basics of social and preclinical disciplines fo...
Internationalization of medical education. В. 1.: Basics of social and preclinical disciplines fo...
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Internationalization of medical education. В. 1.: Basics of social and preclinical disciplines fo... : Study guide
Издательство: ИГМУ, 2018 г.
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Internationalization of medical education. В. 1.: Basics of social and preclinical disciplines fo... : Study guide
Издательство: ИГМУ, 2018 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Электронный ресурс
Internationalization of medical education. В. 1.: Basics of social and preclinical disciplines for foreigners [Электронный ресурс] : Study guide / Khakhalova S. A., Antipina O. V., Balakireva L. V. аnd оthеr ; ISMU. – Иркутск : ИГМУ, 2018. – 306 с. – Режим доступа : https://e.lanbook.com/book/158760. – Для авторизованных пользователей МПГУ. – Книга из коллекции ИГМУ - Медицина. – На рус., англ. яз.
The study guide presents the author’s conception of preparing educational materials for foreign students, using the English language as a medium in professional training, and the Russian language as a means of interpersonal communication on the territory of the Russian Federation. The principles of the suggested conception are used in formation of educational materials in such disciplines of the educational plan as Life Safety, Hygiene, Foreign (Russian) language. The educational edition can be used by foreign students of the 1 st – 3 rd years mastering educational programs for specialists in Healthcare and Medical Sciences (integrated groups of training).
ББК 5р30я73
педагогика = педагогика : педагогика высшей школы
педагогика = педагогика : профессиональное образование : медицинское образование
основной = виды изданий : учебные издания
основной = читательское назначение : вузы
основной = ЭБС Лань (СЭБ)
основной = ЭБС Лань
основной = Лань (СЭБ) сделано
Internationalization of medical education. В. 1.: Basics of social and preclinical disciplines for foreigners [Электронный ресурс] : Study guide / Khakhalova S. A., Antipina O. V., Balakireva L. V. аnd оthеr ; ISMU. – Иркутск : ИГМУ, 2018. – 306 с. – Режим доступа : https://e.lanbook.com/book/158760. – Для авторизованных пользователей МПГУ. – Книга из коллекции ИГМУ - Медицина. – На рус., англ. яз.
The study guide presents the author’s conception of preparing educational materials for foreign students, using the English language as a medium in professional training, and the Russian language as a means of interpersonal communication on the territory of the Russian Federation. The principles of the suggested conception are used in formation of educational materials in such disciplines of the educational plan as Life Safety, Hygiene, Foreign (Russian) language. The educational edition can be used by foreign students of the 1 st – 3 rd years mastering educational programs for specialists in Healthcare and Medical Sciences (integrated groups of training).
ББК 5р30я73
педагогика = педагогика : педагогика высшей школы
педагогика = педагогика : профессиональное образование : медицинское образование
основной = виды изданий : учебные издания
основной = читательское назначение : вузы
основной = ЭБС Лань (СЭБ)
основной = ЭБС Лань
основной = Лань (СЭБ) сделано