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Электронный каталог: Vasilyeva, Elena Yuryevna - Communication and patient education
Vasilyeva, Elena Yuryevna - Communication and patient education
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Электронный ресурс
Автор: Vasilyeva, Elena Yuryevna
Communication and patient education : А manual for medical students
Издательство: СГМУ, 2016 г.
ISBN 978-5-91702-239-0
Автор: Vasilyeva, Elena Yuryevna
Communication and patient education : А manual for medical students
Издательство: СГМУ, 2016 г.
ISBN 978-5-91702-239-0
Электронный ресурс
Vasilyeva, Elena Yuryevna.
Communication and patient education [Электронный ресурс] : А manual for medical students / E. Y. Vasilyeva ; СГМУ. – Архангельск : СГМУ, 2016. – 175 с. – Режим доступа : https://e.lanbook.com/book/185522. – Для авторизованных пользователей МПГУ. – Книга из коллекции СГМУ - Медицина. – На рус. яз. – ISBN 978-5-91702-239-0.
The goals of this manual are to sensitize medical students to how communication and patient education are relevant to clinical practice and to help them acquire basic concepts and skills related to current doctor-patient relationships and health outcomes. It contains basic information that can be used in training medical students, in supervised group work, presentations and discussions. The fi rst chapter combines essential basic knowledge about communication. The second chapter is devoted to describing Communication in health and social care. Chapter three describes the basis for Patient education
ББК 51.1(2Рос)п.я73
[159.954 + 37.015.3 + 61] (075)
основной = медицина : медицинская деонтология
основной = Россия : Российская Федерация
основной = виды изданий : учебные издания
основной = читательское назначение : вузы
основной = ЭБС Лань
основной = Лань сделано
Vasilyeva, Elena Yuryevna.
Communication and patient education [Электронный ресурс] : А manual for medical students / E. Y. Vasilyeva ; СГМУ. – Архангельск : СГМУ, 2016. – 175 с. – Режим доступа : https://e.lanbook.com/book/185522. – Для авторизованных пользователей МПГУ. – Книга из коллекции СГМУ - Медицина. – На рус. яз. – ISBN 978-5-91702-239-0.
The goals of this manual are to sensitize medical students to how communication and patient education are relevant to clinical practice and to help them acquire basic concepts and skills related to current doctor-patient relationships and health outcomes. It contains basic information that can be used in training medical students, in supervised group work, presentations and discussions. The fi rst chapter combines essential basic knowledge about communication. The second chapter is devoted to describing Communication in health and social care. Chapter three describes the basis for Patient education
ББК 51.1(2Рос)п.я73
[159.954 + 37.015.3 + 61] (075)
основной = медицина : медицинская деонтология
основной = Россия : Российская Федерация
основной = виды изданий : учебные издания
основной = читательское назначение : вузы
основной = ЭБС Лань
основной = Лань сделано