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Электронный каталог: Bulatova, I. M. - Focus on scientific paper. A guide for writing and analyzing
Bulatova, I. M. - Focus on scientific paper. A guide for writing and analyzing
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Автор: Bulatova, I. M.
Focus on scientific paper. A guide for writing and analyzing
Издательство: KNRTU publ. house, 2017 г.
ISBN 978-5-7882-2130-4
Автор: Bulatova, I. M.
Focus on scientific paper. A guide for writing and analyzing
Издательство: KNRTU publ. house, 2017 г.
ISBN 978-5-7882-2130-4
Электронный ресурс
Bulatova, I. M.
Focus on scientific paper. A guide for writing and analyzing [Электронный ресурс] / I. M. Bulatova ; The Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, Kazan national research technological university. – Казань : KNRTU publ. house, 2017. – 99, 1 с. : ил., табл. – Режим доступа : https://e.lanbook.com/book/102154. – Библиогр.: с. 68-69, 84-85. – Для авторизованных пользователей МПГУ. – Книга из коллекции КНИТУ - Языкознание и литературоведение. – На англ. яз. – ISBN 978-5-7882-2130-4.
This lecture course is aimed at Masters, post-graduate students, young researchers in all disciplines involved in scientific work and interested in professional career. Each lecture contains theoretical and illustrative material helping learners deal with difficult areas of scientific paper components and tackling the mechanics of writing. The course develops the writing skills, prepares the learners to communicate with colleagues in a written form, to publish scientific papers in foreign journals with strong reputation having large impact factors. Suitable both for self-study and classroom use. Guides learners through the process of analyzing and writing scientific papers. Prepared by the department of foreign languages in professional communication.
ББК 81.432.1-55я73
основной = ЭБС Лань
основной = языкознание : языки мира : индоевропейские языки : германские языки : английский язык
основной = языкознание : лингвостилистика
основной = виды изданий : учебные издания
основной = читательское назначение : вузы
основной = Лань сделано
Bulatova, I. M.
Focus on scientific paper. A guide for writing and analyzing [Электронный ресурс] / I. M. Bulatova ; The Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, Kazan national research technological university. – Казань : KNRTU publ. house, 2017. – 99, 1 с. : ил., табл. – Режим доступа : https://e.lanbook.com/book/102154. – Библиогр.: с. 68-69, 84-85. – Для авторизованных пользователей МПГУ. – Книга из коллекции КНИТУ - Языкознание и литературоведение. – На англ. яз. – ISBN 978-5-7882-2130-4.
This lecture course is aimed at Masters, post-graduate students, young researchers in all disciplines involved in scientific work and interested in professional career. Each lecture contains theoretical and illustrative material helping learners deal with difficult areas of scientific paper components and tackling the mechanics of writing. The course develops the writing skills, prepares the learners to communicate with colleagues in a written form, to publish scientific papers in foreign journals with strong reputation having large impact factors. Suitable both for self-study and classroom use. Guides learners through the process of analyzing and writing scientific papers. Prepared by the department of foreign languages in professional communication.
ББК 81.432.1-55я73
основной = ЭБС Лань
основной = языкознание : языки мира : индоевропейские языки : германские языки : английский язык
основной = языкознание : лингвостилистика
основной = виды изданий : учебные издания
основной = читательское назначение : вузы
основной = Лань сделано